Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Great Day

Our Contractor reports today:
Beautiful weather today. I think today was our most productive day since we started the whole project. The foundation is in! I sent a picture to K's phone. We prepped the crawl spaces (raked level, filled in the old basement hole- great workout!!) and ripped off the shakes on the right side and back and cleaned those up (pulled nails). The old siding looks better than I expected. We weren't able to save it all, but we have a great stack in the shed to re-use. We did find some termite damage in one spot, but I don't think it's enough to have to repair. I'll confirm with my framer.

Tomorrow, our excavator is scheduled to do the foundation pipe drain and gravel. The block wasn't dry, so we will water-proof and do plastic tomorrow. I have the termite treatment scheduled for tomorrow and the inspection is set for Friday.

We are on schedule to start framing on Tuesday.

Great day!


Anonymous said...

Very exciting!
Happy March 1st, Amy! :)

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

We are finishing our basement so I know how you feel. Love seeing it all coming together. Today they laid tile in the bathroom and started bricking the fireplace and wall. Hope all goes well!
p.s. now following